
By Adi Noya Ben Ezer


By Adi Noya Ben Ezer

Adi Noya Ben Ezer


Active since: 2018

Adiseesworld travel blog is about inspiring you to look past the rat race, to enrich yourself and make your dreams come true.

Come look at the world from a slightly different perspective. Let me entertain you through personal, humanistic eyes.

The blog includes travel tips and insights and covers various destinations in Israel and around the world.

Israeli Travel Bloggers

I am...

An Israeli native also raised in South Africa. A former TV Executive, turned Digital Media & Content Specialist, who is addicted to chocolate, coffee and... travel!

Israeli Travel Bloggers

I write about

Travel destinations, tips and personal insights. I love to show the beauty of the world, but also to be authentic and have some depth in what I write about.

Israeli Travel Bloggers

My Audience

My readers are travel lovers, and lovers of culture as well as independent travelers.

Blog highlights & achievements

Contact Adi Noya Ben Ezer

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