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Al Hamizvadot

By Oshra Kimhi

Al Hamizvadot

By Oshra Kimhi

Oshra Kimhi

Al Hamizvadot

Active since: 2012

I discovered my passion for traveling across the U.S.A after a family trip of 8 months in an RV across the U.S and Canada. I was fortunate enough to travel to these destinations several times after that trip. At 2012 I decided to create a blog that will gather all the tips and recommendations about road trips in North America.

Israeli Travel Bloggers

I am...

I’m a travel blogger and a consultant for trips in the U.S specializing in RV trips. I love nothing more than planning trips and have graduated a Travel Agent and Consultant course.

Israeli Travel Bloggers

I write about

I love traveling with my family, friends or my partner. I write mainly about trips in the U.S and RV road trips. Apart from focusing on North America my blog also presents a successful series of posts

Israeli Travel Bloggers

My Audience

I love writing for travelers and their families that are interested in planning their trips to the U.S and people that love a good road trip!

Places I covered

Available collabs.

Travel Type

Blog highlights & achievements

Contact Oshra Kimhi

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